Make Your Communities Digital
We are offering everyone the chance to upskill their Digital Skills or take that first step into the IT Profession. Cisco are teaming up with libraries to make available several free online courses which are self paced and can be studied either at the local library or from the comfort of students own home.
We see digital skills as a journey, our courses guide students from the very basic digital literacy skills, to more advance topics such as Cybersecurity. Students cover a range of relevant content, aimed at increasing their self confidence, but also teaching them how to protect their personal data and privacy online. Students can understand how the digital transformation of business creates new value and new job opportunities. They can even pick up a course to set them on track to grasp one of those new job opportunities.
Cisco NetAcad courses are listed below, anyone can enrol in their chosen course, and study time varies from 15 – 30 hours per a course. Once students have completed our intermediate courses, they may want to further their education and pick up one of our Career Ready courses. They can choose to do this at a local Academy which can be located using our Academy Locator tool.
We are making courses freely and widely available to all libraries across the UK and Ireland with the hope to upskill as many residents as possible. We’re living in the golden age of digital opportunities, there has never been a better time to get everyone involved .
How to Sign Up?
Signing up to our initiative is very simple, and can be achieved in 5 easy steps:
1. Register as a Cisco Networking Academy
The first step would involve signing up as a Cisco Academy. Once approved at our end, you will be asked to sign the Academy Membership Agreement online.
2. Select courses
Cisco offer free courses, ranging from getting online to making that first step into the IT profession. Libraries can select all self-paced courses or decide to chose the most relevant. Once you identify the course(s), you can decide on a rolling out plan - online offer only, evening classes, tutoring, engagements sessions, etc.
3. Build a landing page
Create a landing page on the Library Service website which links to the course enrollment pages.
4. Launch!
Once the site is up and running, you are ready to launch and start inviting students to enroll by visiting the specific course pages.
5. Track Progress
Each Library Service will have access to their students' progress. You can monitor a range of useful data which can be used to track and promote course completion.
For an questions or further information, please email us at