Computing at School
Trainee Teachers (and ECT's)
To enrol - please go to ... THIS LINK ... you may use your private email, or school email - this can easily be changed in the future.
We are pleased to announce that we are working with CAS to support trainee teachers (and ECT's) develop their resource base using the Cisco NetAcad portfolio. As this resource is extensive, covering 1200+ hours of content, from introductory content to advanced professional level certification resource. Our aim is to introduce teachers, by asking you to enrol into a Python coding course, where:
We will enable each enrolling teacher to become a Cisco Instructor
You will explore the Python content as a context for learning how to manage NetAcad resources.
We will show you other resources in NetAcad
You will discover how to add students and enhance their learning journey
We will show you how you could use the CAS NetAcad for all your own students or explore how to enable your school to become a Cisco Academy
During June & July, we will hold two evening time, recorded, discovery webinars - helping you explore the Python course and what is on offer within NetAcad.
The first session is scheduled for the 8th of June, at 19:00
The second session is scheduled for the 22nd of June at 19:00
If you enrol, we will provide you with access information.