Become a UKI Instructor
The NetAcad UK & Ireland team, in close collaboration with our key Partners, are excited to share a new curriculum integration opportunity for educators across the region.
View the slide deck on the right for more information on this initiative. As you will discover, this initiative is 100% free to join with zero obligations... yes really! You can follow the steps below to register to become a NetAcad UK&I instructor.
Please note that this project has not been officially launched. You can apply following the steps below, but the lead time may be longer than specified.

How to become a Cisco NetAcad Instructor
Most of this content is only accessible for registered instructors at schools/institutions that have officially joined the programme as a Cisco Academy. The process to become a Cisco Academy requires aspiring Instructors to complete an application process and to secure commitment from their school/institution.
Before your school officially becomes an Academy, you may request a temporary Instructor account linked to one of the existing Partner organizations. With this account, you will be able to explore most of the resources and start teaching your first classes for your students.
Chose your region and submit the application. We will contact you when your account is active.
England (general)
England (T-Levels Specific)
Helpful How to's
Once you get your instructor account activated the links and resources below will help you to get started.
Creating a student class
Managing students of your class
More resources
On after you log in you will find:
Support area to ask any other question, advise is to ask the support bot first
Ready to start your Cisco Academy?